Monday, December 11, 2006

Staff Meeting

Each week we have a staff meeting. Normally, we pray for needs and give thanks. Then I bring up some specific topics that we need to discuss (while I am serving as interim Team Leader, while Jason is in the states). Then I give a highlight of team/church activities for the week and sometimes month.After that we each go around and tell what is going on that week in our personal ministries. Then we close. It is a great time each week that keeps us focused and informed as we continue on in this mission God has given us.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

La Fonte in December

La Fonte is an event that we plan for the church to come together and have a special study. It enables us to spend a little more time than normal on a specific topic. Last Wednesday, December 6th, our topic was an "Introduction to Discipleship". This was prepared and taught by Josh Furnal, who is developing our adult discipleship. Below are a few pictures from the event. Angie prepared and taught a special kids lesson during the adult study. We even had videoconferencee thanks to the foresight by Josh and the setup by Brian.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Go Ancona News

This is the news for the ministry of Taking Christ to Italy: Go Ancona. The ministry is a non-denominational church plant in Ancona, Italy. Look forward to reading upcoming news about the different facets of our outreach, evangelism and discipleship.
Our church is structured in groups that meet in homes. Weekly, we have two groups that meet in two different homes for fellowship, worship, mentoring, encouragement, teaching and ministering to the needs of group members and the people of the community.
As needed we plan events to focus on different aspects of the church, such as, prayer, worship and teaching. At these events lessons are planned for children as well.

We operate a free English conversational program for adults, classes for kids and a monthly American style coffee house for adults to practice English conversation in an informal atmosphere. Our coffee houses have featured themes like 'football', 'autumn', 'hawaiian luau' and christmas, as well as live music and American style coffee drinks and snacks.

Bi-annually, we plan two contact events for deepening current friendships and reconnecting with relationships of which we have lost communication. Examples of these are Family Zoo Day, Picnic in the Park, Open House at our facility and Thanksgiving Outreach. Of these all, the Thanksgiving Outreach has gone over well in attendance. Italians have seen this american holiday on TV and in films, and this way they get to experience it up close and personal.

Our children's ministry has occasional outreaches like 'movie day', Christmas carnival, bowling, spring carnival and works in conjunction with our kids' english program. Most of the events are planned around a family style of ministry, where the whole family can come together.

As you read you'll see more about our ministry. If you ever have any questions please feel free to write us at