Thursday, June 7, 2007


Last night, after the interns helped with their first Open English session (5 Italians in attendance), we held a short aperitivo from 19-20 to introduce them to some of our friends. We had about 12 people come and enjoy some snacks and drinks and meet and chat with our interns. I was SO encouraged to see how eager they were to dive in and chat with people and as soon as it was over, to jump up, clean and put everything away...especially after a very long day. I'm proud of them and excited to see what God does through them. Earlier that day, they handed out over a hundred invitations to the July English program at two different schools. To finish off a good, but long day, we hit Tunital for a well-earned kebab.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hard at work

Here are a couple of pics of the interns hard at work. In the first picture they are focused on learning Italian, which they will be doing every morning. Then in the next picture, Angie is getting them ready for the Kids' English Outreach they will be doing next month. Be praying that God sends many kids to this new outreach.

Busy First Week

The interns have had a pretty full schedule since their arrival on Saturday. Today will be their most full day yet. Here's their schedule, to give you a peek:

8:15 Meet at La Via (our facility)
8:30-10:30 Language Lesson with Giulia
10:30 - 11:00 Quiet Time
11:00 - 11:30 Language Route
13:00 - 13:30 Hand out English Club Publicity
15:00 - 15:45 Open English Training
16:00 - 16:30 Hand out English Club Publicity
17:00 - 19:00 Open English (teaching English lessons)
19:00 - 20:00 Open House at La Via to introduce interns to some of our friends

This day is abnormally busy, but they do have a full schedule while they are here. Please keep Jen, Rae, April and Brian in your prayers. Thanks to them, we have already met a new girl, Gioia, who is interested in our Coffee House. Pray that God would protect them, unite them, form them and use them to reach the people of Ancona with His love!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

And then there were INTERNS!

Our team member, Josh Furnal, just barely left (yesterday morning) and right on the heels of that, our summer Pathways Interns have arrived. Four bright, excited and able interns ready to see how God will use them this summer here in Ancona. Here are a couple of pics from their first lunch.

May Coffee House

So, another month, another Coffee House. For this one we had a special treat. Marco Poeta, is a well known guitarist who has been specially trained in a portugese style of music. Each guitarist who is trained in this is known as a "Fado". If you go to youtube, you can search for some clips from our Coffee House. Just search for Marco Poeta. Here is a clip from another concert he did To make it a little easier to find our videos go here Enjoy the show! And here are some drawings I made of Marco and his other guitartist, Paolo.